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Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) refer to the process by which companies consolidate their operations through either merging (two companies combining into one) or acquisition (one company purchasing another). M&A activity is often driven by the desire to increase market share, expand into new markets, achieve synergies, or gain competitive advantages. The process involves complex financial, legal, and regulatory considerations.


A large technology company acquires a smaller software firm to integrate its product offerings and expand its customer base, exemplifying an acquisition.

Key points

Involves the consolidation of companies through mergers or acquisitions.

Motivated by goals such as increasing market share, expanding into new markets, and achieving synergies.

Requires careful financial, legal, and regulatory analysis.

Quick Answers to Curious Questions

Companies pursue M&A to increase market share, expand into new markets, and achieve cost synergies.

In a merger, two companies combine into one, whereas in an acquisition, one company purchases another.

Legal considerations include antitrust regulations, corporate governance, and contract negotiations.
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